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Monday, February 16, 2009

happy bama times day!!!!!



last week when i picked brady cole up from school, he kept talking about bama times. i had no clue what he was talking about and just thought he was being silly. he mentioned it again a couple of days later, and i finally realized what he meant. he was actually talking about valentine's that he had made/painted at school. how cute is that? we hope everyone has a "happy bamatimes day!" we're off to eat our bamatime dinner and to a mardi gras parade afterwards.


Jennifer said...

Hey girlie! I just happened to check out your blog and thought bamatimes day was hilarious. I am so glad you guys are doing great! I have a blog too! I don't update it often but I am trying to get better.

Shea said...

Hey girl!! I just found your blog from Christie Mitchell's blog!! Brady Cole is SOOOO adorable!! Glad to see y'all are doing well!!