Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 05, 2009

baby update

i realized i haven't updated about the wee one in my tummy lately. i went for my 18 wk ultrasound a couple of wks ago and everything went well. i haven't felt sick at all since my 15th week other than just getting hot. brady cole and buger both went to the ultrasound with me which was pretty fun. we still didn't find out though. she scanned me for approx 35 to 45 min b/c baby was very active. brady cole said that "shrek" was waving at him. that's what he calls the baby. he's silly! this one is waayy more active than brady cole. i hear that it is a second pregnancy thing though. i don't mind at all. that's one of my favorite things is feeling the baby move. anyways, i closed my eyes when the tech went to the lower extremeties (femur), which is very near the privates and brady cole and buger just turned around so they couldn't see the monitor. my original due date was nov. 22/24th, so they moved it up to the 18th on that day. works for me and dr s said that we're looking to have the baby around the 10th or 12th. sounds good. brady cole was a 38 weeker and right at 8 1bs, so i'm good with that again. we're still working on baby names. we have a couple of boys names, but the girl name is set in stone. we'll figure all that out later. we got all the plans for the nursery of how we're painting the walls, bedding, window treatments etc. we're going out town soon, so we'll get that going as soon as we return. brady cole is getting a new room out of the deal too, so we have extra work to do. i'll update as soon as that's underway.


The Williams Family said...

Hey Rachel! I am so happy to hear about the 'wee one"! That is so exciting and you look great! Conner's bday is Nov 13th so it could be close! Brady Cole is so handsome too:) I know he is excited about the baby.

*Staci* said...

Yep, must be a second baby thing with the moving...cause this one is an active little butt too...we're in for it if they're wilder than Trevor and Brady Cole...oh well, I'm fine with'll be one fun ride! I'm still gonna say that I think baby "Shrek" is a little boy!!