Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 02, 2011

our layla bug.....




turned one on november 10th! as you can see, i'm a little behind, but just wanted to talk about this little girl. she is totally full of life and we have enjoyed watching her grow over the past yr. she started taking steps @ 101/2 mths and was walking @ 11 mths. she babbles alot,but as of now, can actually say...mama, dada, bubba, baby, bobble (bottle), uh oh, bye bye, yaya, paw paw, E (for lexi), nigh (for night night, her blanket), papi (paci), cooee (cookie) and tant oo (thank you). she loves her big brother and her sweet giggles will definitely put a smile on your face. she is always on the move and very busy, but loves to be held with her night night when she's tired.she's a snuggle bug like her big brother and her paci is a must too :)seems to be more lately b/c of those stinkin molars that are giving her a hard time. she currently has 9 teeth and swollen gums! time has just flown by and i still can't believe that she is 13mths old. she's so much fun and we look forward to her growing and changing into a little girl. time just needs to slow down a little......
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