Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 02, 2007

our homemade easter pictures

little man was a little challenging again today considering he wanted to do nothing but eat the eggs, but granna and i managed to grab some cute ones. about 3 wks ago, i took him to the portrait studio at sears in pensacola for 9 month pictures. we had some easter poses done also, but they weren't too cute, so i decided i would take some myself. the other ones besides the easter ones turned out pretty cute, so when aunt shelly gets around to scanning them for me, i'll share w/ everyone. until next time....have a great week everyone!!!

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5 comments: said...

those are cute!! who needs a real photographer???? they always do better for their momma's!! i love his lil' easter basket!

Kerry,Shane and Mims said...

he is so cute in that outfit! We can't wait to meet you!

*Staci* said...

Those look pretty good to me! We found an Easter Bunny outfit for $7 on the clearance rack at Babies R Us today...stay tuned for our home made pictures! I need to get that baby's pictures made professionally...poor thing!! We're gonna do the 12 week thing. Oh, yah that's just around the corner, isn't it?! We can't wait until we come down there!

The Rice Family said...

those pics are so cute! he is adorable!

The Segrest Family said...

he is so stinkin cute! i love his outfit!